Agueda Villamán
Monday, August 1, 2011
The 21 Division
(212) 543-4925
Africans who were forced to come as slaves to the Caribbean by the Spaniards, brought their spiritual beliefs with them, but since they were not allowed to worship their own deities, they took the images of the Catholic religion Saints and rename them with the names of their African deities. Their religious legacy lives on and is part of everyday life in the Caribbean.
The 21 Division is a group of Loas or spirits who offer different spiritual gifts to the people who have the ability to channel them.
Each Saint of the 21 Division has a series of specific preferences including, colors, drinks, music, etc.
The name of the 21 Division refers to the number of hierarchies contained therein.
They are:
Leguás, Ogunes, Rodas, Locos, Guedés, Petrós, Simbís, Locomis, Zombis, Indios, Nagos, Congos, Guines, Ninillos, Caes, Dangueles, Shuques, Piues, Difemayos, Petifones, Marassá.
The Division is made up of three groups:
The White Division, The Indian Division, and The Black Division.
The White Division
To serve this Division you most use the altar. The Saints in this category include: Santa Ana (Ana Isa), Patrón Santiago (Ogún Balenyó), Virgen Dolorosa (Metrisilí), San Antonio (Papá Legbá), San Carlos Borromeo (Candelo), Santa Elena (La Gunguna), Santa Clara (La Señorita), Virgen de la Candelaria (Candelina).
The Indian Division
The Indian Division is formed of Loas or spiritis of Indian descent. Some of these Loas come from the water, and when they assume a physical form they ask that water be sprinkle over their heads, others prefer total dryness as does San Rafael (Tindjo Alague).
The Indian and Black Division are both served on the floor, but they should be kept a part from other Saints, since these two Divisions should never be together.
The Loas of the Indian Division like the following offerings: unsweetened coffee, rum, fruit and tobacco. Each of these Loas has a specific color.
The Loas of the Indian Division incluye:
San Rafael
Indio de la Paz
Indio Guerrero
Carmelina Dansoleil
The Black Division:
Serve This Division in a place where there is dirt or on the floor. These Loas like food cook without salt or oil (rice with black beans, sweet potato, and cazabe) The Loas in this category include: San Elías (Barón del Cementerio), San Expedito (Guedé Limbó), Santa Marta (La Dominadora, Ezilí Kénwa).
Black Division Loas:
San Elías
San Expedito
Santa Marta
Santa Marta la Dominadora
San Martín de Porres
San Cosme y San Damián
The following are some of the Saints of the 21 Division:
Anaísa Pyé- Santa Ana
Bakúlu Baká-San Felipe
Barón Del Cementerio-San Elías
Belié Belcán-San Miguel
Cachita-Nuestra Señora de la Caridad
Candelina-Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria
Candelo Cedifé-San Carlos Borromeo
Centinela-San Sebastián
Clementina-La Virgen Milagrosa
Damballah-San Patricio
Ezili Ailá (Alaíla)-Nuestra Señora de la Alta Gracia
Ezili Danthó-Santa Bárbara Africana
Ezili Kénwa-Santa Martha
Filomena Lubana-Santa Martha La Dominadora
Gran Bwa-San Judas, San Cristóbal
Gran Solié-San Nicolás del Sol
Gran Toro (Toroliza)- Cristo de las Buenas Esperanzas
Gunguna-Santa Elena
Jan Bakéo-San Pedro
Jan Ferro-San Marcos de León
Kriminelo (Jan Kriminel)-San Sebastián, San Pancracio
La Señorita-Santa Clara
Marassa-San Cosme y San Damián
Metresilí-La Dolorosa
Ofelia Balendjo-La Virgen de las Mercedes
Ogún Balendjo-San Santiago
Ogún Batalá-San Martín de los Caballeros
Ogún Fegai-San Jorge
Papá Legbá-San Antonio